© Brisbane Catholic Education Our Lady of Dolours Catholic Primary School (2023) The Catholic Parish of Our Lady of Dolours Mitchelton, in association with the educational vision of the Archdiocese of Brisbane, seeks to offer a Catholic education for its children. To sustain quality Catholic education at Our Lady of Dolours Catholic Primary School, it is agreed by parents at enrolment that full school fees and levies are payable when the school accepts the enrolment of their child.
We recognise that in particular circumstances from time-to-time parents may need an avenue for discussion and mutual decision with school personnel about the procedure and capacity to pay the given fees. If you have any concerns about the school fees, please contact the school to discuss your family’s circumstances. Please select from the links below to review our school fees, policy and payment options:
For payment of school fees with a credit card online, please use the following BPoint link:
School Fee Payments
You will need to provide the 10 digit BPay reference number that appears on your Fee Statement when using this payment method.