Year Two students are learning the different people of the Bible and whether they appear in the Old or New Testament. Year Ones continue to explore ways to honour Mary. In Prep, they are learning to make the sign of the cross in the mirror and Year Fives are learning all about the Holy Spirit.
The classroom learning and teaching of religion in the Archdiocese of Brisbane has been characterised by a reconceptualist approach. It operates from an educational framework and Brisbane Catholic Education's Model for Religious Education. Classroom religion becomes a place for dealing with the critical religious issues and concerns of life. There are three key considerations for teachers using this approach: the Avoidance of Presumptive Language, Teaching ‘about’ the Tradition and Powerful Pedagogies.
Foundational to the shared work of teachers are the beliefs they have of the learners they serve. The BCE Learning and Teaching Framework (2012) explicitly articulates the beliefs and the responses that flow from these beliefs within schools in the Archdiocese. All students are entitled to rigorous, relevant and engaging learning programs in religion, drawn from the Religion Curriculum P-12, that address their individual learning needs.