


Teachers at OLD undertake the process of moderation. Moderation is one of the six interdependent elements of effective planning for student learning.

Moderation supports teachers to make consistent and comparable judgments about students’ progress and achievement. Moderation can strengthen quality assessment practices and provide confidence that the standards awarded are valid and reliable. The quality assurance process of moderation supports teachers to develop a common understanding of the achievement standards and to make evidence-based judgments about student responses. Moderation can occur across a year level, within a school or between schools for an individual assessment task or a folio of student work. Moderation supports: • a shared understanding of standards and how these can be demonstrated in student responses • teachers engaging in focused professional conversations to analyse the quality of student responses • teachers to determine the match between the evidence in student responses, the standard descriptors within a task-specific marking guide or standard elaborations, and the achievement standards • reliable on-balance judgments. The moderation process uses protocols to support teachers and school leaders to focus on the quality of students' responses and record their judgments about student achievement.